The 2 Reasons Why Couples Argue About Money
One of the biggest sources of conflict in relationships is money. It’s rarely just about the numbers. More often, these arguments stem from deeply ingrained beliefs about financial security and freedom.
How To Avoid Being A Statistic On National Divorce Day.
The first working Monday of the year has earned the unfortunate moniker of National Divorce Day. Money disagreements are a common cause.
But you don’t need to be a statistic. Talking to and understanding your partner’s attitudes and beliefs about money can avoid a costly and traumatic separation.
The 5-Step Easy Budget
Creating and managing a budget can be a good idea that is never done because it is too hard. This 5 step easy budget helps to make managing your finances easier.
Cold Turkey Without The Cold Shoulder: How To Avoid Money Arguments This Christmas
Christmas can be a time of money-created conflict, especially if you and your partner have different beliefs about money and what Christmas should be like. To avoid getting the cold shoulder treatment this Christmas the secret is to talk to each other about what Christmas means to both of you.
Budgeting Strategies for Couples: Strengthening Your Financial Foundation Together
Budgeting is an important part of making sure you and your partner have a strong foundation for your money. It isn’t sexy but done properly it can avoid money arguments and provide you with financial success
The Best Questions To Avoid Arguing About Money (And How To Ask Them)
You want to avoid conversations with your partner about money ending in arguments but don't know how to stop it. This article gives you the way to ask the best questions in the right way.
It’s All Relative
Football is the greatest example of relative wealth between the poorest and the richest in the world.
We compare ourselves to how others are doing but without the context. Someone may look like they are living their best life but we don’t have all the facts.
I believe it’s better to be happy and poor than rich and unhappy.
Learning From a Hostage Negotiator: Communicating Without Arguing.
If you find yourself arguing with your partner the solution can be found in the skills of a hostage negotiator.
It's Pointless Doing Sit-Ups If You Keep Eating Crap (An Analogy for Poor Money Habits)
A toned stomach or killer abdominals, the desire of many a gym bunny or even anyone thinking ahead to looking good on the beach this summer. But what any fitness instructor will tell you is you can do as many sit-ups as you like, there will be nothing to show off if you continue to eat crap food.
It’s the same with your money behaviours
5 Tips for Overcoming Financial Conflict
Financial conflict is a common challenge that many individuals and couples face at some point in their lives. Disagreements over money can cause stress, strain relationships, and even lead to long-term resentment if not addressed properly. However, with effective communication, understanding, and compromise, it is possible to overcome financial conflict and achieve financial harmony.
The Money Argument Disconnect: Why Couples Argue About Money and How to Fix It
You try to sit down with your partner for an orderly, grown-up conversation about money but it quickly descends into an argument. And, like all arguments, you just can’t get through to each other. It’s likely to be because you come with very different values and beliefs about money.