Financial Coaching For Couples:

Reconnecting You By Resolving Your

Money-Related Arguments

Have you found that the connection you once shared is being lost because you keep arguing about money?

Arguing about money is common for couples, in fact, it’s one of the leading courses of divorce.

It’s not really surprising we argue about money either. Our views and beliefs about money are formed when we are children and because they are so engrained we don’t question them.

When we start relationships and our financial lives become joined differing attitudes and behaviours towards money begin to show.

And if our core beliefs are challenged we don’t always tend to see the other side’s point of view causing to conflict.

The more we argue the more the romantic and emotional connection gets lost. Sometimes to the point of no return.

It doesn’t have to be that way…

Financial coaching helps couples uncover the root cause of their arguments so they can resolve money differences, agree on a shared vision of the future and re-ignite the spark.

By taking time to understand your different money beliefs and what it means to you both you become enlightened as to why you have different attitudes and behaviours with your money.

You can then bring empathy to the conversation, discover what matters most to you as a couple and individuals, and agree a mutually beneficial way forward.

What Financial Coaching Isn’t…

Financial coaching isn’t therapy, counselling or mediation. It is about having time and space to explore beliefs and priorities in a safe environment.

It is not judgemental and not about taking sides but acting as a conflict-free, independent third party who is experienced and qualified in the growing discipline of financial coaching.

How Financial Coaching Can Help

1. Uncover Your Core Beliefs About Money & Why They May Not Be Serving You.

By asking insightful questions and giving you the time to think you discover what money means to you and when it may be limiting you. You will also be able to understand your partner’s money beliefs to realise the source of your differences.

2. Open & Honest Communication

You will learn effective communication techniques so that money conversations are positive and constructive rather than descend into conflict. It will allow each of you to share your financial concerns openly and without judgement.

3. Financial Goal Alignment

It will help you visualise a better future, agree on shared financial goals and provide space for individual priorities.

4. Budgeting and Saving Made Simple

You will learn how to create a practical budget and savings plan that fits your financial situation and agreed priorities, reducing conflict, stress and uncertainty.

5. Building a Secure Future Together

With the coaching you'll work towards building a financially secure future, ensuring your goals are aligned and you reconnect your relationship

Take the first step to resolving your money conflicts and reconnecting your relationship.

Fill out the form below to arrange an initial conversation to see how financial coaching can help you.