Harmonious Money

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It's Pointless Doing Sit-Ups If You Keep Eating Crap (An Analogy for Poor Money Habits)

A toned stomach or killer abdominals, the desire of many a gym bunny or even anyone thinking ahead to looking good on the beach this summer. But what any fitness instructor will tell you is you can do as many sit-ups as you like, there will be nothing to show off if you continue to eat crap food.

It’s like hewing an exquisite sculpture from marble but layering plaster of Paris on top. It will always hide the beauty below the surface.

It’s the same with your money behaviours

You may say you want to take control of your money, become disciplined and be financially free. You talk about budgeting, reducing your debt and regular saving.

Perhaps you have even as got as far as creating a budget and a regular savings plan but it’s all for nothing if you don’t stop the bad behaviours. Continuing to overspend and build up debt is like eating burgers and expecting to develop a six-pack; your money is always working against you.

The cost of rising debt is a double-whammy (or double cheeseburger if you like). Not only will the cost of paying off the debt rise, but you can’t save the money at the same time.

To continue the analogy here are some simple steps to build up your financial fitness:

  1. Go on a "Financial Diet":

A diet requires the conscious avoidance of fatty foods and eating more protein and veg. A financial diet requires the conscious avoidance of spending and more conscious saving. As you would track your calorie intake to achieve fitness goals, it is essential to monitor your expenses and set budgets,

A healthy diet requires discipline and self-control. Financial discipline is crucial for achieving long-term security and the freedom to do what you want when you want.

2. Breaking the Cycle of Instant Gratification:

We often fall into the trap of seeking immediate gratification through impulsive purchases. We want something new, but in the long run, these impulsive choices hinder our financial progress.

As unhealthy food choices sabotage fitness goals, indulging in unnecessary expenses undermines our financial well-being. By being intentional with purchases, we can create financial prosperity.

3. Preparing for the Rainy Days:

Rainy days can affect our training as well as our financial resilience. As we save energy and stamina to endure rigorous workouts, saving money is crucial for navigating unforeseen circumstances. An emergency fund serves as a safety net, offering peace of mind when faced with unexpected expenses or income fluctuations.

4. You Don’t Get Abs Overnight

Getting fit and achieving financial security are not overnight successes. Both need patience and discipline. Reducing debt and growing your finances by investing is a long-term game. As consistent exercise builds endurance and strength, consistent investing leads to financial independence.

By acknowledging that bad habits negate any good habits and showing the discipline and will to succeed with your money, you make the first step to get the financial results that matter.

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash